#COP29 | WHO Iraq
🌍 العراق في COP29 🌱 – منظمة الصحة العالمية ووزارة الصحة تسلطان الضوء على العلاقة بين تغير المناخ والصحة من خلال مبادرات وطنية رائدة.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and Ministry of Health highlight the relationship between climate change and health through pioneering national initiatives.
WHO Iraq Representative Dr. Georges Alfred Ki-Zerbo: “Gratitude following an insightful conversation on climate change and health in Iraq.”
#ClimateAndHealth #ClimateAction
🌍 العراق في COP29 🌱 – منظمة الصحة العالمية ووزارة الصحة تسلطان الضوء على العلاقة بين تغير المناخ والصحة من خلال مبادرات وطنية رائدة.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and Ministry of Health highlight the relationship between climate change and health through pioneering national initiatives.
WHO Iraq Representative Dr. Georges Alfred Ki-Zerbo: “Gratitude following an insightful conversation on climate change and health in Iraq.”
#ClimateAndHealth #ClimateAction