أخبار من UN-Habitat Iraq: أصبح سكان مجمع باب سنجار السكني وحي العزيزية في الموصل الآن أكثر استعدادًا للتكيف مع تغير المناخ والعيش المستدام.👈 https://bit.ly/3ZBQM2d
UN-Habitat Iraq news: Residents of Bab Sinjar Housing Complex and Al-Azizya neighbourhood in Mosul are now better prepared for climate change adaptation and sustainable living. ℹ https://bit.ly/3Z1Dx9m
Source and images: UN-Habitat Iraq
UN-Habitat Iraq news: Residents of Bab Sinjar Housing Complex and Al-Azizya neighbourhood in Mosul are now better prepared for climate change adaptation and sustainable living. ℹ https://bit.ly/3Z1Dx9m
Source and images: UN-Habitat Iraq